Thursday, 13 March 2014

Mountain Poem

I am the master from up high
Don’t look down you might die
I’m the killer that no one knows
I send the haunting chill down your back
When you walk on my ice it will crack.

I will summon armies of ice, wind and snow
The icicles like frozen fingers dangerously swinging down below
My eyes like an eagle will watch you wherever you go

I brought the destruction to you all with my avalanche of snow.

By James Yr6


  1. Nice story Jamie dodger! Love the don't look down you will die.

  2. All of us in 6B13 March 2014 at 14:10

    James, this is such a good poem. I like the phrase haunting chill. Keep up the good writing.

  3. awesome poem, James

  4. that was really good James, I liked the haunting chill part

  5. awesome!!! james

  6. I like my poem


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