Tuesday, 10 July 2012

As part of The Level Up Project, run by Theatre by the Lake, 35 of our Year Sixes attended a transition event yesterday.  All of the project’s transition events this year have stemmed from a performance of The Fire-Work Maker’s Daughter that we saw back in December.


On the 9th of July, 2012, Ashfield Junior School’s Year 6’s who were to be moved on to Stainburn by the end of Summer, visited their secondary school (Stainburn School and Science College) to carry on with The Level Up Project.
In the morning, we all met up at Stainburn at 9 o’clock – a bit later than usual, which means more of a lie in! We all gathered in the hall, having time to meet new friends and talk with the pupils we already new. After 5 to 10 minutes, someone from Theatre by the Lake introduced himself and told us what we were going to be doing… His name was Daniel. As well as this, he introduced all his friends and the helpers, two of them were called Jeff and Jen. Overall, through the day Daniel, Jeff and Jen were the main teachers, and helpers.

Anyway, after they had introduced themselves we played a game called ‘This is my space’. At one stage in the game we had to shake hands with everyone we passed, which was a challenge, since we didn’t know everyone.

After we played ‘This is my space’ we had a little break and got to go outside. Then, when we came back in, we played another game so we could mix around with pupils from different schools. First of all, we had to sort ourselves into hair colour, then eye colour, and last of all birthday months. While in out birthday groups, we had to talk and tell each other what date we were born so we could sort ourselves into order. Next, Daniel announced that we would be doing a firework dance. He put us into 3 groups:

Jeff: January, February, March and April.
Jen: May, June, July and August.
Daniel: September, October, November and December.

We all decided which group would have which name – Jeff’s being Storm Buster, Jen’s being Shooting Stars and Daniel’s being Glimmer.
We choose the way our firework rumbled and got ready to explode. And then, we got to add sounds and various other things. Then, we added our explosion and we were ready to show the other groups our dance.

Eventually, after watching all the groups, we had lunch and got to go outside again, meeting most of the Year 7s we would be working with in the afternoon.

During the afternoon, the Year 7s joined us and we all listened and spoke to them about the dos and don’ts of Stainburn School. This led on to  dressing up in colourful outfits together and walking around the school as a parade. We all looked bright and colourful with ribbons everywhere and facepaint too. It was very fun and altogether we went around 3 times! Some of us even got to use the mega phone! I think every pupil enjoyed the day and had tons of fun.

By Carina and Yasmin

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