Friday, 25 January 2013

An update from Grace's diary...

                                                                                                            October 1835
Dear Diary,

             The tortoises were fascinating! We’ve seen about 6 Chelonoidis Nigra (giant tortoise) or Galápagos giant tortoises. That is all the different names for them. My latest discovery is the Galapagos finches. Although they are the same species of bird they have different beaks depending on which island they live on. For example one bird has a hook on the end of theirs to eat fruit. Whereas another one has a straight beak to eat insects. I must go now; it’s all hands on deck because we are in the midst of a terrible storm.     
By Grace (Yr6)   


  1. Katie the tattie30 January 2013 at 12:42

    Keep on wiriting you could be an author one day!!!!!!!!!

    1. Italian person with, pizza, etc.1 February 2013 at 12:57

      see, see, I coul...coul..dn't agree more you'vvve met my french friend hes wrote to ye friend Lucy se I know her well. his name Picasso. keep up the good work.

  2. good work grace i really like it


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